06 octubre 2009

Acceso abierto a recursos científicos


Hay un interesante movimiento global que sigo habitualmente y con el que estoy de aciuerdo en líneas generales que defiende que los recursos científicos sean de acceso libre. Me parece tremendamente injusto que, en ocasiones, haya que pagar 20 o 25 dólares para poder acceder a un artículo determinado, o suscribirse a una revista, etc.

Un ejemplo de las actividades de este movimiento es la conferencia que se celebrará durante el mes de noviembre en Nigeria. Me temo que no voy a poder ir, Pero cuelgo la información por si os resulta interesante.



Online Registration for the forthcoming 2nd Open Access workshop has commence!

Register online at http://www.nulib.net/reg.php

Call for Papers http://www.nulib.net/oai/09/paper.html

Date: 2nd – 4th November, 2009 (Arrival on Sunday 1st November and Departure 5th November).

Venue: Assembly Hall, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Kaduna State

Workshop Theme: Open Access: Maximising Research Quality and Impact”

The specific project objectives are:

1) Increase understanding and awareness of open access among universities and research institutions; adoption of open access policies by these organizations to encourage innovative approaches on how ICT infrastructure and services could be used to disseminate the research results and to maximise its quality and impact.

2) Sustainable open repositories and open access journals in higher education and research organisations.

Our International guest Resources Persons will specifically address the following in during the conference:

Ø How to maximize the visibility of research publications, improve the quality, impact and influence of research work?

Ø How to disseminate the results of the research in the most efficient way?

Ø How to showcase the quality of the research in the Universities and Research institutions to improve webometrics ranking ?

Ø What are the new tools to help you better measure and manage the research in your institution?

Ø How to generate new knowledge from existing findings, enable and encourage collaboration?

Ø How to bring savings to the higher education sector and better return on investment?

The target participants include:

* Research managers and policy makers in Universities and Research Institutes

* Scholars and Researchers

* Editors-in-chief of peer review scientific and scholarly journals

* University Librarians/ Systems Librarians

* Directors of Research Centers

* University and Research ICT experts

The workshop will include practical tutorials, presentations from cutting-edge projects and research and discussion groups.

Ezra S. Gbaje
Department of Library and Information Science
Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria
Kaduna State Nigeria
website: http://www.sharondelight.net/consultant.html
phone: 234-8069518804, 234-7028655168

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"What is Matter? Never Mind! What is Mind? No Matter!"

Calambur citado en Toulmin, Stephen (1990), Cosmópolis. Els transfondo de la modernidad. Barcelona: Península. Pág. 207.

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